Auto Accident Lawyer
Now a day’s auto accident is serious injury in every cities or country. A large think is auto accident happened for mostly by another persons negligence or imprudence of divers. Most of causes by drug influenced drivers.
Another cause is bad
deigns of road or exactly not timely traffic signals. Some drivers are driving
with texting a massage or emailing using mobile, phones, GPS or map devices,
DVD player and radio while behind the wheel. For this reason are becoming serious
Accident or death.
In According with the
national safely council, 23% of All Accident every year involved mobile phone
use while driving. According to result 1.3 million accident nationally for this
reason. Many Drivers are accident for sleeping result. A foundation for traffic
safely estimates that 21%. Vehicle accidents reason for drowsy driving.
Around 5,000 People were died last year for drowsy driving.
Different types of season that show, ice, sleet, hail, rain and fog can more
driving dangerous but, it is true that weather conditional accident not
responsible for drivers. Sometimes we heard that construction work zone near a
accident happened. It is can dangerous accident for those construction work